Friday, July 17, 2009

I hate myself. You have no idea by how much of it.

I have come this far to control my bad temper, I even have done so much more for the relationship to be fruitful...I can't let my inner me to spoil everything. Not even one try. But I just don't know why the tears just won't stop dripping and my nose just won't stop bleeding. Am I really just not that suitable to be in relationship? Maybe I am not. Not generous enough to be a person as a whole. Not good enough to be anyone's partner. Not worth the call as a girlfriend. I hate you, Carmen Yew. I don't like the way you bring yourself around and being so over sensitive on unnecessary. Why must you went and damaged things that already owned by you? Why must you be one selfish bitch that everything you only about yourself. Maybe you really don't suit to be anyone's girlfriend. You are just not up to that standard. I think you still need a long way to be a better person.

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