25 hours of companionship and that's about it, he's gone again. But I'm totally pampered within that 25 hours. Hehehe. I love the feeling of happily sipping the long island cocktail with a glimpse of tipsiness talking to my bf at Barbeza. It feels like catching up with a really close friend that you could really confide in but of course, he's more than a close friend...He's almost my everything. Driver, Sandbag, ATM, Fubu, Pillow, Bitch, Bestest BF, etc. I can just be my total self when I'm with him and right now on the track, he's making me feel damn loved.
Saw his ex too yesterday night at Houz. Honestly speaking, I don't feel her as a threat to me anymore. Those feelings I used to have, fearing my bf may fall back in love with her once again or they might get back together or something, don't seem to bother me at all. I shared this with bf and he has certainly given me the faith to trust in him completely. Yay...Bf, I love you heaps! But, it is still a big NO for bf to keep in touch with her as I strongly don't encourage that unless he really wants me to be unhappy and damn solemn like a couple of weeks ago. I do agree with the fact that I'm a selfish gf but I'm just protecting myself, I guess. Nothing is wrong, right? Wondering now...hmmph...hmmph...fuck that la. LOL
Apart from his ex, the "him" that I have tried to brush off completely from my life or maybe the "him" that I have bitch-blogged about few months back...Well, he was in Houz too. He tried to say Hi by showing me his third finger and offered me his drink. Sigh, all I felt is awkwardness and things which have happened between us...I still can't forgive and forget. From time to time, I still blame myself for giving in and it is the most stupid mistake I have ever committed to. Argh! If certain memory like this can be erased permanently, then it would make my life a happier one without doubts at all. I wish this would be the last post I will ever mention about "him".
Suddenly I have lost my mood to blog. Damn! Bf is gone too at this time. Double Damn!
Sigh, my mood's flow is so drastic and uncoordinated within just minutes.
Note: 4 times in mere 24 hours. Amazing. Hahaha...Wink Wink
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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