I can’t be possibly made any decision which is considered as a right one. I desperately need a change in my life. My working environment and job field especially but then I realized, it is a very much tough decision. I most likely going to drop tomorrow’s interview in KL. I have not been doing financially well lately and I got myself pretty stuck with the credit card debts and installments. I could not possible to go jobless or underpaid for quite some time until I managed to save back the amount of money I have lost within these few months. I should really control well of my spending habit. Sigh. I know I wanted the job that I am going to interview but I really can’t. I guess I just need to wait. Patiently wait for the hurricane in my savings account to be unwavering then only I could bring myself to else where. Yes, this is sad. I hate being broke. Extremely gor jek tim... Hehe
So it is indeed 3 whole months I am staying single. There are moments where I was so desperate to be in a new relationship so that the newbie can take over my ex but it is such a wrongdoing. There are in jiffies too where I have been trying too hard to find for my Mr. Right who seems almost never existed. I tried to convince myself with all the lies I told myself too. Pathetic, hor?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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