I read back the two emails I sent to my current ex days before when he decided to break up with me. How painful was I back then, how I thought life has just ended at my side, how badly I wanted him back…and how hopeless I felt when he did not respond back at all. So, here am I still…living each day without having him around as my most precious baby anymore. I slowly learned the fact that, when a person has fall out of love with you, you can do a hundred things or you can sacrifice a thousand things trying to get back the whole of him and yet he will never come back to you.
So, he has attached to a girl younger than me by two years. He has brought her back to Ipoh during CNY and even introduced her to his friends. He had hurt his ex, the one that I used to hate so much and he has hurt me deep within too until my healing wound seems to stretch open and bleed again. Argh! He is no longer worth a single drop of tear nor is he worthy enough. Things has changed, he had and so do I. I have been upset enough and cried enough for this person.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
Its been quite awhile, it seems your wound is still fresh.
as you said "Argh! He is no longer worth a single drop of tear nor is he worthy enough. Things has changed, he had and so do I. I have been upset enough and cried enough for this person."
but why are you still blogging or mind anything he do? you should look ahead, that is your past tense. Are you still fond of what you had with him? Are you so sure there no one out there who is equal or better than your current ex?
Never say never my dear. you might felt loved in a different way but not one person is the same. open up your heart if you have feeling for that person. for who knows if he is the last one you'll ever be with. don't get me wrong, the last one means yr partner for life.
think about it my dear... you dont have to make a decision right away but always know a person well before settling down.
I am sure there are better men than him. It is just me that continuously allowing myself to be stuck in the past. Things are clear cut but I just found myself reflecting ways too much of the lost moments I used to have with the ex. I do wanted to open up myself to someone new. Badly... However, I realized I am still afraid to take a step further.
fear is an obstacle you need to overcome, maybe the timing is not right, maybe the feel is not there. but you definitely need to open up yourself.
dont ever think that you lost something, instead you gained something valuable in your life. knowledge that is...
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