So much of over piled follow-up cases and bill complaints to be handled at work right after my trip back from Hong Kong. So much of them that can die wei…
Apart from some unexpected occurrences, the trip is somehow awesome too. First time went for solo vacation which was unaccompanied by any family members or friends. Met up with a long lost friend there, tried the local delicacies (I can never be sick of eating HK food again and again!), indulged with intensive shopping spree (cut that off if you are looking for branded stuff as they can cost you arms and legs), and so much more.

Sky view.

Camwhore-ing inside the plane. Yes. That's my bra you are peeping at.
The first thing to do when the flight touched down Hong Kong is to get a HK prepaid number, I remembered the last visit with baby Choyling, my roaming charges has been so ridiculous but I can’t dispute on that simply because of I am aware of the extreme roaming charges. This time I can’t be any wrong but I still spend hundreds over for credit recharge. LOL.
The first night in HK, I went for a movie called, “Nine”. It is a musical movie that tells a story about Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis), a world famous film director as he confronts an epic mid-life crisis with both creative and personal problems. He must balance the many women of his life, including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penelope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), an American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Fergie) and his mother (Sophia Loren). I don’t fancy this sort of movie hence I was at bore watching this and it’s pretty expensive watching movies in HK, it costs about RM30++ per ticket. I have also tried Durian Pancake on the same day. Very very in love ooo…
I went DISNEYLAND the next day. Went for a couple of rides, watched some shows, bought some stuff, etc. Things are expensive there hence I only got myself two MCKY tees and a MCKY bag. I guess the most creditable and spectacular part of going to HK Disneyland, it’s the fireworks. It will be totally A.W.E.S.O.M.E. watching that with your loved ones and I was busy recording, didn’t really take my own time to enjoy the beautiful sight of the fireworks. Why are they always so short-lived? :(

The express train that reaches Disneyland straight off.
I went LanKwaiFong with my former Sunday School Teacher from Elim after Disneyland for a drink. Lychee Martini Cocktail is so superb, the bartender there has standards. Unlike those here. Hehehe. Bleh. :p I missed my drinking buddies. How best it is to have them all together having drinking sessions at a foreign soil. But it is alright, we will be having a trip to Hatyai in April and we can “drink drank drunk” kaw-kaw to the max very very soon.

Lychee Seed Martini, with Sunset Bay Martini (awesome cocktails)
The final night in HK, I stay on my own. I really feel horrendously to stay in his room, with his wife and children cramped into one room while he slept in the living room. I slept in guilt for the past two nights in HK. Michael offered to subsidy half for my hotel room, which is like RM600 plus at BP International House. Without much hesitation, I agreed to it rather than troubling his family. It was really fun. To be totally alone going around Hong Kong. The only lacking is I don’t manage to snap shot my own pictures. Bits awkward to cam whore in front of everyone although no one knows me there. But still…

The view from my hotel room. 23 floors. Damn jeng...

Must try this "奶黃流沙包". Orgasm Guaranteed. :)

Stuff that I bought in HK. Got GUCCI geh!!! (Thanks Q.Fang~)

Night view with the fantabulous lightings + skyscrappers

Canton Road-Tsim Tsa Tsui. You can go into one of those shops located at this street and buy "one" item...then you can proudly go back to your hometown and declared for bankruptcy. Don't quote me, kay. Unless you are rich, then stories can be told differently. But I'm not.
I want a boyfriend. Hahaha. But I don’t need a boyfriend. You feel the confusion in me? Since I have so much of time being alone in a foreign land, Michael asked to think what I really want in a relationship. It wasn’t an easy question because I found myself, straying away to find out the answer. I don’t want to force myself to be in a relationship at the moment; however, at the very same time…I hate the emptiness that creeps into me at certain time and occasions. So indecisive…and guess what? I seem to enjoy my single life now much more than I thought I would be… I am still in a very very very much confused state. Everyone sees it, everyone tries to bring me out from my miseries…and almost everyone still fails to complete the missing parts of me. I want my Mr. Right!
I have my slave to fetch me back from LCCT to Ipoh. What I have for my slave and what he has for me…is something very much unexplainable. I wanted to blog those feelings about it but I think it is advisable not to as I feel unsure about myself after my last break up. No point hurting others and myself and it is even pointless to let others to hurt me in return. I realized I am getting more and more defensive.
To sum it all, it is indeed a priceless experience in Hong Kong (although this visit is the fourth of the fifth ones). I can’t say I can see people thoroughly but from this trip, I gained about the complexities in certain things we thought they were simple. Find it hard to digest? Then don’t. It was only meant for those I wanted them to know.

I look damn fcuking vain in this pic. Excuse me for this...