Yesterday night supposedly to stay at home as a trial period for myself to break free from alcohol but it did not succeed. I have been going out so relentlessly after the break up. I am as if ruining myself with the massive alcohol consumption and being so restless all the time but I just don’t understand myself why am I still continuously doing all these.
I wanted badly someone to understand me wholly and to be there to ease the aching heart but I am not even helping myself at all.
Looking on the bright side, I get to know that even without a boyfriend, a person who used to suck up all his time trying to be there for me and listen to my ranting patiently, I still have a few of the many that care for me generously. I know there are people who really care and wanted me to be good. I can’t utter more about how is life treating me, it’s like I lost someone I really love but I gained many who are loving me more than I do to myself. I can’t even be bothered if those who are treating me good have any hidden intentions, or perhaps they are just genuinely showing me the friendship values. Gawd, I think it is time to build up the tampered trust again.
Oh, have I not mentioned how I almost got into an awry conversation with my boss yesterday? I have not been a calculative person who assist doing stuff he wanted me to do all this while even without given any credits. All I ask for is just to de-allocate me from the express counter. In the midst of our conversation, I just lost it. I voice out all my dissatisfactions to him and even right now, I am not sure if he truly understands or not. I really hate the center management now, it is havoc and I am planning to move out from Ipoh. However, due to my heavy commitments, I need serious contemplative planning before jumping into conclusion.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
my dear, for someone to understand you, firstly you need to understand your own self. you are at a crossroad now. you dont know which path to choose. take your time, analyze each route.
let me rectify my previous post. just to let you know that "true loves has got no happy ending coz true loves never ends".
I felt crippled. What's your email?
feel free to mail me.
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