Enough of the two tormenting weeks which I have found myself stuck within. I learned the ugly truth about my ex boyfriend who used to be that someone who's particular there for me 24/7 even though he's not with me physically. He made me feel like shit every now and then up to the coming years. The worst and scariest girlfriend that one could look up for, he has lost his sight on how I tried to sacrifice myself to keep the relationship going. He has let go something special, something we will never have again.
I have been drinking every single day after the break up and at times, I don't even want to go home and keep loitering around the streets being driven around. I think I have cried enough and said enough about the whole break up. I am turning into someone I hardly know because I just don't know what to do and what I want or need in my life- ANYMORE.
There are good people and bad people everywhere. I met most are good people but I'm being really ignorant to them, as for the bad people...It seems like I am more like playing mind games with them and I am always at the losing side. It feel like years to go through day by day being unprotected and left alone.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
it is hard to start all over again, its even harder to trust someone new again.
i bet you are smart enough to differentiate between easter eggs and rotten eggs.
from the post i see you are trying to get a temporary loving and caring feeling, some attention from people you think are trying to have a crack at you.
sending the wrong message can get you in trouble my dear, always know how to pull the plug when the situation goes awry.
take your time... you dont have to rush yourself into a relationship. follow what your heart tells you although sometimes your heart do makes mistakes, but if its a good mistake, why not?
I can't utter more on how grateful am I reading your comment.
im so glad to share with you others shared with me when i was in the same shoe like yours. stay strong my dear
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