If I weren't to text you telling you I have accepted your decision to break with me then today will be day that you promised to call and for us to talk. I know it and you know it even better that its not going to be a talk. Its a finalization to what we used to have and shared be sealed completely. I was hoping so much for a turn back and what I am enduring is unreal.
I lost count how many times I tried texting you but in the end, my fear brought me to delete those messages before managed to touch on the tab 'send' as I don't want to risk being disappointed when you are not replying. I have been always wondering days and nights, how are things going on your side. I remember you clearly, the wake up calls and your text messages. We used to have those msn webcam
conversations, dirty talks and jokes we laughed about. They are all gone. I am swallowing hard each day to learn the fact, you have left me. You really hurt me deeply inside as I may had hurt you too until you decided to leave.
I dreamt of you last night. Its not something sweet to dream about, you were treating me so cold. You didn't even give me a chance for me to get close to you. Woke up feeling lost again and my cheeks were wet then I realized, I weeped. As always I'm such a crybaby. The most difficult part is to accept that the dream...its happening in real life too as in this very moment.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
i had the same tormented situation just like what you are having now. to call or not to call. at times your emotions got the better of you. but i'm glad i didnt made the call. for some reason i'm better of now than ever. i made new friends which showed me real life that i should live, showered me with love and care. it took me ahile to get things going again. but hey, im happier now.
my dear, life is too short to be stabbed in the heart twice by the same person.
never fear to love again for when love is bestowed upon you it is a blessed gift from god who handpicked his cupids who sits on your shoulder.
Whatever you are commenting here, it speaks so much to me. There are so many of why-s and how-s that these tangled shit was throw to me. How I feel like giving up on myself. It has been two long weeks without him. The heartache...is just so unbearable, how I wish I am stronger than what I am now.
you are a human being, i am too, we all are. we all have emotions, some can get over it in a blink of an eye some takes longer.
as to the why-s and how-s, we all wish that answers can be found on google. dont go looking for answers which you dont want to know. instead, find a solution to your heartache.
yeah, a day without him feels like years right? dont give up on yourself my dear, show him and others around him that without him, you can still carry on living your life and going around happily.
as days past, i see u are stronger than u were from the first day i saw your blog.
keep it up girl!
you should start sharing your happy thoughts here coz all i see are those negative perceptions about your own self. i bet you have a happy side too right?
hoping to read your new "happy" blog soon
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