Bf has showroom duty on Sunday, so he dropped me off at KLCC for me to meet up Jason Chan for lunch. I made Jason borrow me his Futurama DVDs. LOL. Yup, I’m a fan to it but not that fanatic though. He put those DVDs into a red paper bag that marked “Inner Secrets”; I think he did that in purpose! Went for a short walk and window shopping until 1 plus before I decided to follow bf back to his showroom and rot as Jason needs to rush home for his presentation slides. The lunch we have in Chilli’s was a bit heavy, not only the portion but the topics we shared. Thus I always have issue going out with smart people, they always made sound and look like a dim witted which I apparently I think I’m not one, am I? Note: I have a dumb bf thus we lead a very happy life!
Candidly, my bf is not blessed with good looking features or a well-built tanned body with six packs but there is something I can’t deny about him. It is the little imperfections that complete the whole of him. I may have better options in finding a richer boyfriend, a boyfriend that stays nearer and can keep me accompanied for 24/7, etc, but he is just being himself from the very beginning and the guy who I enjoy being with since Day One.
As bf wanted to go back Ipoh for some sales follow up, I need not to take bus back and have horribly tiring hours traveling in bus. Along the journey inside the car, we talked a lot about our ex. It’s funny that we still have so much to share about our ex because when we first met, I was already very excited and told him almost every single thing about me and Uncle Wong and he also showed me pics taken with his ex in Bali and chatted a little about her. But i seriously need to thank his ex for dumping him and also Uncle Wong for hurting me. If not, we won't be where we are at
now...So is it a bad thing that we still have the ex issue running around our minds or a good thing that we are open enough to share about everything and our ex now won’t affect a thing to what we are having now? I hope we are on the good side of it. I always hated feeling low and small if comparisons are made between the ex and me.
My bro lansi me with his newly tattoo-ed leg. No respect langsung! His tattoo look so common and so ah beng type lah.
I tattoo-ed myself using parker pen while waiting for bf to finish his work

This has nothing to do with whatever i just blogged, just that Eric got me these strawberries and brought them to office on Monday and claimed they can cure flu. See...people really think I'm dim witted. But the strawberries damn jeng...Thanks wei!
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