I really thought of making an impulsive decision to get myself transfer to KL so I could be with him. In fact, I was offered for a promotion and needed to be transferred to Maxis Centre Sunway in KL. I rejected that because I’m financially tight down with my commitments and also its way too sudden. To be honest, I really did scare myself for having such a thought. Luckily it is only contemplation and not an immediate action. If I were to do so, it has proves something significant which is, I really really in love with this guy which I try not to. I’m not trying to go against my own feelings but I really fear of the downfall. The broken heart, the tears, the scars…I never wanted to go through that heartbreak again!
I am too afraid to lose with what I have got now which is him. Too afraid to love unconditionally that I will get hurt in the end. I know love shouldn’t be this way but I am just too afraid that I may fail in this relationship too…My inner guts is eating me inside out. I don’t want to be involved in any fruitless relationship anymore as it is a total time wastage, I also know that sometimes things may not work out exactly we wanted it to but I really wish I could find someone who worth being together.
A MMS my bf sent last two weeks, spot the fading rainbow? Why every beautiful things is so short-lived, huh? And because of that, we tend to appreciate more, don't we?

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