Another 28 hours being together…As exactly like last weekend, the period of time being together is so coincidentally same. I seem to fell in love with weekends more than anything else already. We try to chunk in every single thing couples would do in that particularly 28 hours…trying to compensate those weekdays where we don’t get to be together. Last weekend we went for Sam Poh Tong, this weekend we took a walk at Pologround. Sometimes both feel very out of mind ending up places like these but I guess it doesn’t matter that much as I really enjoy his companionship. We even took sticker photos at Kinta City Jusco and yes, we have problems operating that machine thingy…
The randomness’ stuff:
• cuddling moments in my bedroom (he sneaks back to see me, so sweet!)
• barbeque at Fei Sam’s house (he scolded me there…I shall remember that)
• watched a movie “Wolverine X-men” and he tripped and nearly fell
• his ugly side outside my house (LOL…I know his dark secrets jor)
• Super Kinta’s pork chop rice
• taking sticker photos together (It has been ages ago since I’ve done that)
• Baskin Robbins (I asked for Chocolate, they gave me Mango Sorbet. Aduh!)
• camwhore-ing in his car and he purposely stopped the car for me to snap pics
• took a stroll at Pologround (he promised me kite-flying during his next trip)
• disco prawns (he complained I don’t peel the drunken prawns for him)
• Sidewalk’s ice cream (eventually he brought all his girlfriends there before)
Reminiscing these blissful moments made me misses him much more than ever. I can’t believe that I can be so happy being with this man. It’s like another fairy tale dream where you wished you never need to wake up at all. Yes. Love should be this way. No hesitations, no complications and no questions, it should be as simple as ever…but back to the real fact, all these only happens in the beginning of every new relationship…hahaha. So sad but true.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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