I have been sick for two days. Diarrhea, tummy discomfort and even caught up with fever. I was yearning so much for someone to take good care of me when I was sick. So much of it or better still, just be right beside me to keep me feel safe. But there is no one and I am used to it, even though if I were still attached with my ex, he won’t be able to be physically there too as what we had was distance. Is it true when girls are sick, they tend to be more “manja”?
I am certainly one lucky biatch. Heehee. To have someone to drive me to the clinic and accompany me for dinner, to have plenty of phone calls and sms- asking me if I am alright and offer what they could to aid me. Damn touched wei… who needs a boyfriend now when you can have the whole world caring for you? I hope I don’t need to try too hard to get and make someone to be mine, I should be found by him instead of the other way round. But being a pathetic and demanding girlfriend like I am always, I think the comment posted by Guardian is real helpful.
“L.O.V.E. : do not frown if you are not getting what you are expecting, you will never get enough of it. Give what you have for it is limitless.”
From now onwards, I will give all out. Okay, a bit exaggerating. Well, I will be as much as possible to offer what within my means to people around me and travel extra miles to provide more for those I love and appreciate dearly. It is never an easy task. To give more than you receive wor.. Mind me that there might be times, I may be off track a bit. Hahaha. I am a needy person actually but but but I definitely hope I could change for good.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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