We used to hate Christmas because the seasonal occasion reminded us so much of the painful memories our ex(s) used to had left behind. Valentine’s Day is not a fancy date either, as I used to celebrate it with flings rather than a boyfriend. But all these started to change when you stepped into my life and being a big part of it and I can’t find any reason not to love you even more. Our memories are once beautifully written in the year 2010 where we took a bold step together to embrace each other by starting our life as a couple. At that moment, yes…I could give up a century just to live on that moment.
* Blek blek blek
* Bu bu jiak
* Milo Powder & Mary Biscuits
* Daisy & Rebecca
* Susan Boyle
* Our 3 minutes session
* Singalingam Night
* Breaking Tebu
* Batman & Robin ice cream
* Pat Pat So So
* Release Letter
I know the list can goes on and on because there are just so much of those little things that complete a bigger picture of our relationship. Beginning is always the sweetest, many have lost what they first felt about each other in the years to come and the most challenging part is how to keep our relationship going strong and making it last. We both know we have to keep it, the importance to fight for it and we even need to work hard for it. One could never love too much and one could not love too less…
I used to be so sure about us, so sure of you being my Mr. Right but the small patch of stain you left me on 05 January this year, it seriously hurts me deeply and I am still recovering from it. I no longer hold the same amount of faith and believe I used to have in you but I know I am fighting to get them back because I don’t want to give up on us yet. At least, not now. It was truly disappointing that you allowed our relationship to be ridden on bumpy road whereby you could possibly avoid all these by just being on the right track. All I could say is “Life is a bitch itself, it just fucks us all.”
Happy post-dated Valentines’s, baby! It is going to be our second Valentine’s. If you are sure that I am the one and only, then made me stay. Or else, celebrate it with someone you think can be replaced over my status in your heart and life. I just do not need another heartbreak again before walking off completely and being silly enough to had loved you deeply once.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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