Workload is so overwhelming ever since I have been transferred to do admin administrative and reporting tasks on Monday. I am not even sure if this transfer made by boss is considered as an upgrade or a downgrade. What he told me is I will be able to monitor the center as a whole in term of our operational management, etc and it will contribute a lot to career advancement later on. Sounds flattered but actually everyone knows that AA work is a bit too much for any individual and the workload will be never ending one. Sigh. The only thing I can try to comfort myself is, since I will be having long working hours in the office hence I will be able to claim more for OT.
Birthday is approaching. Will be marking 25 this coming 31st. I am pretty upset actually because I reminisce back a lot on my last year birthday where my ex brought me up to Genting to spend quality time with me on my birthday since we only meet on weekends. Truly enjoyed every second spent with him but that has already been a past tense. I thought too much. Hey, this year birthday should be better lots, right? Gawd, I must keep on convincing myself it will be a better one and when the day comes…maybe I will just find it nothing special at all and somehow, someway, I would even feel that it is just the same like any other ordinary day. Argh. Damn…I wanted to feel special leh! What some more I have taken 3 days off for my birthday and I don’t even have a plan for myself. Ish…The worst part of all is I can feel the pressure of being aging…and my status is still single. Baby Eliza just got engaged two days ago and more or less, I do feel a pinch of pressure jor and it’s bloody unhealthy to have such thought. I want to buy a HUSBAND. Hehehe.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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