I really cannot sleep yesterday night. Wanted to talk to someone so much about something I just heard. Wanted to pour out whatever doubts that trapped inside my mind ever since the break up. Most importantly I just want someone to confide in and tell me things going to be alright. I miss the moment I cried myself to sleep while Uncle Wong would have pat me and hugged me. I felt so safe back then but now I’m all alone facing these crappy moments of those things people gossiped behind my back. I’m tearing myself up soon and I am not very delighted to see that happening to myself.
To Someone in Particular.
I don’t need you to take accountability in anything, there’s no spark and I don’t see there is any point we should bring us to any other stage. I did have try to like you and try to be with you but when it come all to senses and feelings…I got none for you. So I decided to stay away from you. Be a nice gentleman and keep your mouth real shut on certain things if just things are not meant to be. If I weren’t told on things I heard about you telling others, maybe we could still be hi-bye friends but looking at the situation now, I really don’t wish to see you anymore in the future. Please don’t bother to contact me anymore, I won’t return your calls or sms. You definitely don’t understand what kind of person I am; when I am pissed…I am pissed.
Note: I am not talking about my ex here. Uncle Wong will never ever do that to me or to anyone.
I really felt like crying ahhhh…Argh! I can’t think of anything now. I need rest. I need a get away but I just wasted RM1.3K on HK flight tickets but it's a right move to cancel the trip and I felt relieved doing that. I don't feel sorry...and I won't. Call me mean and tell others more and more about me...Yes, I am very sad and agrravated now but I know it won't bother me long because life is just too short to worry...
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
hey girl.. its yen chiew here..
i hope you're ok..
makes me worried about you, reading through the pain you're going through and all..
be strong ok? u can endure this period.. *hugs*
忘掉種過的花 重新的出發 放棄理想吧
別再看 塵封的喜帖 你正在要搬家
築得起 人應該接受 都有日倒下
其實沒有一種安穩快樂 永遠也不差
就似這一區 曾經稱得上 美滿甲天下
但霎眼 全街的單位 快要住滿烏鴉
好景不會每日常在 天梯不可只往上爬
愛的人 沒有一生一世嗎 大概不需要害怕
忘掉愛過的他 當初的喜帖金箔印著那位他
裱起婚紗照那道牆及一切美麗舊年華 明日同步拆下
忘掉有過的家 小餐枱沙發雪櫃及兩份紅茶
溫馨的光境不過借出到期拿回嗎 等不到下一代 是嗎
忘掉砌過的沙 回憶的堡壘 剎那已倒下
面對這 墳起的荒土 你註定學會瀟灑
階磚不會拒絕磨蝕 窗花不可幽禁落霞
有感情 就會一生一世嗎 又再惋惜有用嗎
忘掉愛過的他 當初的喜帖金箔印著那位他
裱起婚紗照那道牆及一切美麗舊年華 明日同步拆下
忘掉有過的家 小餐枱沙發雪櫃及兩份紅茶
終須會時辰到 別怕 請放下手裡那鎖匙 好嗎....
oh... so they new guy aint that much of a potent candidate eh ?
I would be pissed too,if that ever happen to me. Luckily you have a James Bond friend who seems to know everything that is not known... I would like to take a wild guess, the "someone in particular" that you mentioned might probably be kinda stupid, he spreads out his success story to all his friends to 'make sure' you know about it??!!....and to get you pissed.... that's impressive...
to be frank, if I were that guy, I would not have done that....
Maybe that person is not stupid, it's just your James Bond is too good.... he just know it....
I hope what you were told is true, not just another James Bond story...
YenChiew: I didn't know you were reading all this while but thanks alot for the thoughts and words. Really appreciate that...
Steve Lau: LOL. I like this song but I'm not aware somehow the lyrics are linked to my blog entry. Hugs..
Soya: No worries. I will update you during our next mahjong game.
Some: I don't know who you are but thanks for leaving down comments. :)
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