Joanne said that the whole vacation thing is like incomplete without the boyfriends around as there are so many romantic thingy could be done together, e.g walking on sandy beach holding hands, discovering blue sand together, snorkeling and so much more. However, I see Redang more like a making out getaway place. Can have so many different spots to make love. Different ambiances and different moods. I told that to Uncle Wong and he just laughed me silly. :p ( blerks!)

#Group picture Take One
# Aha..and another one!
#Babes...More and more of me and my baby Eliza
Once again after my trip from Redang, I discovered UncleWong has lied to me again. While I was away for my vacation, he text-ed a girl's number from Thailand proclaiming he misses her. Yes, I felt fuck'up literally. So much of disappointment once again. What some more, he actually bought a Digi number so I could not trace a thing about them...He's getting smarter
-to be edited soon...
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