KL is completely nothing to me except for the shopping complexes and clubbing spots. I felt damn empty whenever I left Ipoh for KL. Perhaps is the course outline that bounded with truckload of assignments and everyday I just deal with due dates and also the people around me. Sigh, whatever it is I can’t wait to leave college but I know one fine day, I’ll miss college life so much. Just wait for the one fine day-lah then. Hehehe.
Had a fun and yet dreadful weekend back home to Ipoh. Indulged myself with countless mahjong games. The break of dawn will be the time when those mahjong games ended. I felt an intense of addiction towards it. Not linking the thought of winning big money through gambling but just the game itself. Make deals with Wyman and WaiKong for more mahjong games when I am back. Yay! *Do bunny-hopings around the living room*
Jin Werne was back to Ipoh too, hence Yin Theng and I decided to drop her a visit at her mum’s currently investment, which is a boutique in Ipoh Garden East area. Drove my dad newly-purchased second-hand CRV to pick Yin Theng up. The hugeness of the CRV and the bigger CC compared to the old wira has tempted me to become a road bully and honking those smaller vehicles that blocked through my way was FUN. *Evil laughs echoing*… I somehow do miss the old wira because it has bounded with so much of scratches and stains, undoubtedly if I ramp it over rocks, trees, poles, etc, parents sure won’t “sound”. Must train my driving more in order to be accident-free.
Nearly forgotten to mention the long skirt I planned to purchase from JinWerne’s mum’s boutique (JW Vanessa). It cost me a bomb (rm85++). For non-branded garment, it is expensive okay? Haven’t collected it as I am still deciding to buy or not. Granny offered to pay for it but I felt a bit awful. She has spent too much on me. From food to daily allowance and now clothes? I am a bit too much, right?
In-Sung was on tv8 again for the Spring Day but ntv7 is also screening In-Sung in the first episode of Memories of Bali. Gosh. Damn hard to resist both dramas. I ended up watching both bits and pieces by switching channels all the time to check on both dramas. This is a bit disturbing.
No pics for my Ipoh trip to upload as my phone camera is sent to repair. It is contaminated with virus, auto mms-ing ppl. Is it a signage that I should get a new phone? Bah-I am so broke lately. Better think for a way to accomplish my assignment than fascinating these sorta things.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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