Sometimes visiting a bookstore could be a sinful act. A visit to Basheer Bookstore (located at BB Plaza) today has made me rm135 more broke. Can’t deny that advertising and design books possess the force to tempt me into purchasing them. Last week, I have just purchased a packaging book and an Archive magazine from Basheer as well and this time, need not to say about it. Actually there were more I wanted so much to buy but if I were to do so, the figures would unquestionably reach up to 5 digits. *Seal my lips and act STUPID*
Took a cab with Christina right after that to KLCC for some photo shootings for Advertising project this time. Since I am out today, then the callings hit my heart again asking me to shop around. I realized self-control is vital but I just lose it. I ended up withdrawing rm500 cash from my another personal savings account and paid rm323 for two spaghetti tops and a skirt from MNG. Frantically hoping to be able getting my paid end of this month from Hazel (my supervisor for the Yun Nam part time job thingy) to cover back this amount spent or else I would end up eating shit-s for weeks. Plan of saving money for Ipod nano seems sinking into ocean deep. Sigh…
If Dad and Mum are IT-intellectuals and know how to read blogs, I wish I was never born at the very first place. However, at times I do feel blessed with expensive gadgets they got for me e.g. my Nokia 3650 (Dad bought it when it first launched and purposely drove all the way from Ipoh-KL just to pass it to me), Mac Powerbook G4 (Mum bought this when I obtained pretty good grades during semester 3), Nikon SLR 75, Sony Cybershot T3, etc. Very deep and very down, they know clearly that I am a terrible spender but I guess they can never expect it would be this BAD lor! Suddenly felt so sorry for them and disappointed about myself. Think I should hide in a corner and start to think properly and promise myself that I will spend wisely not blindly. However, I could tell that within hours or days later, this promise is meant to be broken and history will just repeat on its own. lalala...

"LowFat" (rm115), contained alot of motion graphics and illustration. It is so good that I almost drool even though I was only plain looking at it...Nope, no massive exaggeration!

"How To Catch Fairies by Gillen Sergiev"- Got this one for Lipet's birthday this year

"The Art of Saying Hello"- A good design book that consists myriad types of business cards. Got it at rm80 plus from Haja, The Other Bookstore.

"Lurzer's Archive Mag Vol.2 2005"- Basheer was selling it at only rm25, rm30 of reduction wei...How to resist?

"Amatterofdesign-Packaging(rm139)"-This book compiles a lot of creative packaging. Certainly not just boxes they are showing...

This is non-reading categorized. Only for eye-viewing pleasure. Purple and Turqoise Spaghetti Top (rm29 each) and Floppy Skirt (rm265). All from MNG. Knew the price for the skirt is super costy but i super like it. DON'T CARE-LAH!