Wyman and I were still in a non-talking term. No phone calls / sms. Fine with me. I loaded my weekend with a promoter job and heavy yumchar sessions with Bel. Saturday night was such a tremendous meaningful night. I was more than glad to discover the dirt truth about “him”. For some reasons, I don’t wish to speak about the truth. Don’t even get me wrong that I am trying to protect “him” or what else, just some shit happened in between. Period.
After work, went straight to Jane’s birthday party in Breakers, Hartamas. At first, I almost put myself to sleep due to the boring atmosphere and on-going house music. Quite a lot of people turned up for the party and free flows of liquors and beers. I didn’t drink because I need to drive home plus my driving license died edi. Met Ed there and that really turned me off from feeling good. However, the night was made greater with this cute guy’s existence. We exchanged eye contacts but it almost put myself in tears when I didn’t even know what is his name and he left for lok-lok and Atmos. At first he invited me to join him but but but…I was too hook up chatting with Julian. Gawd-DAMN! Regretted so much and didn’t understand why I turned down the offer. Slutty me! :p blerks…
Didn’t really hang out for long in the party. I followed Julian for a yumchar session and there we have major and minor chats about “him”. Don’t ask me why Julian suddenly emerged into the picture. It’s going to necessitate hundreds pages to elucidate. Julian’s friends joined Julian and I for yumchar session in Hartamas Square and they are so funny people till I laughed irrationally and almost pee in my own pants. Went through hell lots of funny incidents and conversations with them. They gave me a nickname, Mocking Bird. I was the laughing stock for the night. After Hartamas, we then headed down to Subang for another yumchar session and also met up with a girl named Carmen, Julian’s friend. Both of us, the Carmen-s, were in the midst of seriousness issue production. We bitched about “him”. I know this entry may leave everyone with myriad of question marks but I really don’t want to undisclosed the truth that much. Sorry peeps.
I got home at 5 in the morning, looking dreadfully awful with the mess-ed up make up. Hahaha. Continued with a bit of bitchings in MSN and finally dozed off at 7 am. Guess what? Need to wake up for my promoter job at 9am. 2 hours of sleep only. Yes, my bodyclock is undeniably TWISTED. Oh yeah, I miss that CUTE GUY and unfortunately, I miss Wyman too.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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