Christina abandoned me! I spent my whole weekend with Belinda in her crib doing assignments. Yes, I am a very “HARDWORKING” student. *Cough…cough…* Time spent on the industrial training report was dreadfully long and mind confusing. Having to dig back my memories all the way back to what had happened during the first day of internship till the end part of it! I think I crapped a lot or perhaps too much. Never mind about that because it has been completed and submitted.
Okay, there is something that I would like to highlight about my weekend stayed in Bel’s crib. Despite the lousy hours I spent on my assignment, I actually poured out more time to do lepak-ings with Belinda. Yes, I have a confession here. Over the weekend, I had two sushi meals, a “duck shit green” long skirt, two pairs of earrings, and a handset accessory for decoration purpose, a MAC eye shadow and also two necklaces for my peeps’ birthdays. These are okay still; at least I find the cash is well spent. There is this part where I took out rm15 to some I-bands show at Paul’s Place. I am not saying that they are not good but just a tad bit expensive for scoping only two bands playing. Sorry Mum and Dad, my cash is hitting the zero digits once more! I am so obviously draining my parents out.
By the way, Belinda also spent rm5 on a flying butterfly and she names it Annie-The-Guy-Butterfly. I see the point that generally my circle of friends is dominated largely with down syndrome, wacky and illogical sapiens. However, I really love them from the bottom of my heart up to the sky high high. Their rawking attitudes are ways better than having those “Gucci-Prada girls” to be my buddies. “They” irritate the hell out of me because I could hardly pronounce Salvatore Ferragamore and I ain’t sure if I had spelled it correctly or not. Grasp the point and know what I mean?? So, to people who seriously want a friendship from me, reveal yourself as retards. This is the basic requirement for a long lasting no bitching friendship offer I could ever give!
In a foreseen circumstance, I bumped into Voon (a college buddy of mine. She’s crazee!) with her super-love-to-be-scolded bf in Mid Valley. Finally, all these hurt and disappointment she has gone through from the previous relationships, this new guy here managed to make her surrendered back to the thing called “LOVE”. Awesome, isn’t it? I think she sure going to twirl that relationship into an abusive one. Hehe. Then I also did some daring stunt in Watson. I went and smacked Jeen and Belinda’s heads with Laurier sanitary pad. I know I sounded more or less like a psycho but believe me, it was fun.
Peeps, here’s some silly pictures you could indulge yourself into!

Regarded as the most "IN" trendy fashion for the year!

"Cacated" Posture

Belinda posing with Annie-The-Guy-Butterfly

The pregnant-ed Belinda

Becky with her unbeatable habit

Stuff that I have "cashed out"...
