Went through another lip smacking weekend back to Ipoh. Got an offered free ride back to Ipoh from Thaya, my man’s best friend. Nothing can beats the trippy happy feelings whenever I am back to my precious hometown, IPOH. Apart from the weekend routine, which is eating out the whole Ipoh, I actually went snooker-ing with Wyman and Thaya and was banned from the game after 5 mins. Wore an inappropriate outfit and accidentally outshined my cleavage. Got lectured by Wyman. Neh, not like I purposely did that!
The whole weekend was real free from restrictions. No promises for supper-waiting sessions with my man. Simple because of Wyman has decided to abandon me aside and Thaya is back in town is the attached reason. Yes, I do envy the amount of attention he put onto his best friend. It wasn’t that bad actually, I know I am exaggerating. Hehehe. Oh yeah, I finally watched The Island and trust me, it is a good movie with sense-making plot. But heck it, Soya and the gang decided not to buy my words anymore because I recommended Seven Swords to them and they find it suckie. However, I still think the movie is good and interesting. Never blame me for this, alright? *Giving a farking don’t care look* Well, I am also very eagerly anticipating to watch The Corpse Bride and Charlie & The Chocolate Factory which will be up for screening soon. Both also by Tim Burton, so there aren’t any reason for me to miss the movies.
Got to meet up with Wei Tek for a while this time. He was alcohol-ed but not at a drunk stage. Was sharing bits and pieces about his “uni”-life and also my horrendously sickening college life. I long for it to end soon but I don’t want to go out and start my working life this soon. Mum has been pestering me to start observing for jobs in KL or perhaps Singapore. She so doesn’t want me to be back to Ipoh. Bitch! She should hide herself in a corner and rot there. I don’t care. I want a long holiday after my course ends. I wanted to go HongKong for shopping spree and food hunting. Just can never get enough of those hongkish vibes.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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