Hey peeps, I was back to Ipoh for the weekend once again and same old shit, got myself really in awe for the deliciously scrumptious food, the cool and salubrious air, the clean and crystal clear water. However, the main aspect that magnetizes me of going back Ipoh so often is non-other than my family and friends. Don’t know why can’t really click that well with my KL friends compare to the Ipoh ones. Maybe the Ipoh ones have gone through a stage in catching the sight of me growing up. Miss the companionships of Kokpin, Weitek, Moungkai, Usang, Wailoon, Kokweng and the rest. It just so pathetic and sad that everyone is being littered randomly everywhere for studies purposes. Not like last time when we used to hang out in this small town of Ipoh. Everyone is just so far away from each other pursuing dreams and goals and sometimes I do wonder will they lose themselves as in their real selves when they are in the midst of searching for their futures. I think I have lost mine.
Any-the-way, I went out for the Fantastic 4 movie with Soya and bunch of friends. It was such an enormously suckie plot. Told Wyman later on about that movie and yet he still went and watched. Geram-NYA.
On Sunday, received sms from Yin Theng, having to say she already “on” with Robin. Unsure if she has made the right choice or a very rushed up decision she got there. Worrying if she might be hurt again as she could have been forcing herself into loving someone she tend to like but not love. However, all these would not have an answer if she never attempts to try out. Praying here that Robin will treat her unbelievably good just like air flight first class service as she is farking fragile and sensitive and not forgetting farking demanding too. Hehe. That’s my girl.
Then yesterday night went out with Bel and her bunch of Taiping buddies. Ate a lot. Yes. Fat. Damn FAT. Only for dinner I had Tom yam Sotong with rice plus Thai grilled ray fish. That is lots as the portion is huge. I don’t know what has gotten into me, was very luring in eating ice-cream yesterday night also. Went to the McDonald in ss2 and only found out they serve only vanilla Sunday cone and not chocolate. Pathetic-NYA. Ended up in Uptown’s Baskin Robbins. Went home at almost one in the morning. Angered Wyman as forgotten to reply his sms and calls. Sigh, I really not in the mood for explaining. After my shower I dozed off to sleep straight off. Not trying to be mean but just dead tired and he’s 25. Should be matured enough and not getting angry at empty air.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago
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