Looking at the unfamiliar blogger screen layout, it clearly prove that I haven't been blogging for the longest time ever. Besides, I don't think there is anyone following this blog as well; hence with all the what-so-ever-reasons that has pull me off from the keyboard from writing/sharing.
It has been a very eventful year for me. Or shall I say, it is going to be an eventful year instead? MyRichard and I are tying the knot on 28 October this year. We are going to register first and the Chinese Wedding thingy is going to be held in next year September. A lot of people asked, how has he proposed to me and as much as I hope for the one in a lifetime's surprise proposal...It didn't happen. No flowers, no fancy dinner, no kneeling down, no surprises. We sort of like having those mutual acknowledgement that it is the time for us to settle down. :(
His parents have been pestering him to wed me. I am glad they sort of pressure him. At least, it gives a point that he is taking me for real and he is ready to step into another chapter with me. He even brought me to choose my own preferred wedding ring. I guess that's the main reason why there isn't any surprise proposal...He feared he might got me a ring which I dislike and I will start showing him my "dulan" face which then will spoil whatever surprises he tried to portray and eventually, the precious moment is killed. To save himself from such haunting scenario, he has made a safe move that is to bring me along to get the ring.
Although I am seeing the marriage coming, I am still feeling really excited that I even dragged my bff, Choyling, to go around looking for a nice dress/gown for my ROM. I managed to get a champagne color tube wedding gown at an almost impossible price. I know there are so much more to do for the planning and preparation. Luckily, it is only ROM this year and wedding in next year. :p
Seriously, the more I get to learn about myRichard...I realized he is not anything/anyone near to my Mr.Right wish-list...He has slowly becoming a husband figure to me. Not very much to my preferred kind of husband but oh well, it's a package, right? The funniest part is I am growing to love him even more despite the times he hurt me with all the lies. I guess it is all about love and feelings which I can never ever put them perfectly in words.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago