Being too emo lately will only suck you up to the depression’s room. Which I think I am depressed and needed a drink or two. Drove my way to Barbeza to meet up with a few good friends and normally these guys are just full of craps, rather than facts. It surprised me that the night was filled up with so many advices and their thoughts on relationship. I wasn’t expecting to open up my feelings to them but I did. It is a good thing though, or at least I thought so to myself. I needed air to breathe; I think I boxed myself up too much by being over doing stuff people don’t need or appreciate. I believed so much that the rough road has been paved so I could walk on it without worries or doubts but turned out to be untrue. There are still many pebbles lying almost everywhere and holes that I afraid I may stumble and fall into if I take any blind step further. Who says life is easy. Better re-quote that.
Can we go back to the beginning where everything seems so promising? I wanted badly on the frequent sms conversations we used to have. Those intimacies we both felt about. I just felt along the way, we both have lost a lot of great moments we both shared. The feelings were so much stronger and real back then. I could have loved you less too. I just don’t feel you love me enough or perhaps I’m being over-demanding lately. I just want this depression to go away. As in right now.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago