Been a month after the Taipei trip with myRichard, the overall trip is partially alright only. Why? We can’t do much or travel to outdoor places as it was raining almost every single day there. Despite the doomed weather, I still spent awesome moments sticking to my boyfriend under the polka dots umbrella he stole from others. Hehe.
Out of the ordinary thing to do there is watching movies because tickets are so overpriced compared to Malaysia. But we went and watched anyway because we were too bored. LOL. We didn’t even club there and we don’t even know why…I guess our cash were mostly spent on food. We paid a visit to Hello Kitty Sweets for high tea, the overall ambience is so “Hello Kitty” and I am not really a big fan of it but it is one cool experience because Malaysia has none. Hehe…And the most scrumptious dinner ever I had in Taipei was the “Mala Hotpot” because they serve generous amount of good stuff, Haagen Dazs ice cream especially. Other than that, everything just seems down rated. Somehow, things there don’t really amuse me as much as Hong Kong does.
But but but, I still heart it heaps to go on a vacation with my loved one. :)

Hello Kitty Sweets~

MALA Hotpot at XiMenDing.

Nice movie with touching plots.

70 plus ringgit spent for wifi purpose. LOL. Anyway, I do heart "Haagen Dazs heaps.

Beer there is so cheap! Unbelievable eh...

Stuff that we bought. I overwritten him. Hahaha...