A friend told me many funny things about myself. She heard from an ex Maxis promoter who shares the same name like I do said that I am a very materialistic person and that bitch has a shock of her life that my current boyfriend drives only a myvi and yet I have started a relationship with him. What is funnier is I turned down my ex, Wyman, when he wanted to court me back with the reason, he is driving a myvi. For fuck’s sake…I am so pissed.
I look into my boyfriend deep into his eyes piercing through his heart to know the fact, I am certainly being the happiest girl on earth to be showered with his love and not his MONEY and within these 3 months I can proudly tell everyone I am indeed a good girlfriend. To him, at least! Not all times lah, but I fcukingly make sure he will have his meal on time every time he is scheduled to be on road shows. I made no complaints to bring dinner for him even though I haven’t had mine. I even try to cook proper dishes for him. So am I doing all these for money’s sake? Bitch, you can suck my toes and lick my anus for all these lies you laid upon me.
So I was putting up a good show for everyone to see that I was being so ridiculously worried when he was sick and can’t reply or pick up my calls and text messages, is it? If I am all up just for money…I definitely won’t be together with my current boyfriend who I called myRichard. I do have a choice or should I say multiple choices…I was in dilemma when I do not know which one I wanted to be with as my options were more than just one...but I know I can’t really compare them with what I got now because myRichard has certainly become a big part of myself and he has definitely made a huge difference in my life now.
So, shut the fuck up bitch. Because you really had rage up my anger with those brainless quotes you made about me. You can go fuck yourself up and burn to death together with those dim-witted brain juices you left there. You can call me ill-tempered but not materialistic. I am just being realistic at times but who does not? That's why I choose my friends wisely. Unlike you who totally can't fit into my friend's list. I hope every lie you said about others would trigger a maggot's bite on your hairy nipple and very soon, your boobies will be damn rotten that they will eventually be seen dangling dettaching from your fat body. Awww...I feel so bad. :( BUT SCREW IT, YOU FAT BITCH. AMEN!