I brought him home without a proper introduction to my parents. LOL. Still need some time for them to digest on my previous broken relationship but I believe time would allow them to know my bf better. For better causes, I don’t plan to tell my parents entirely about this new guy because I just don’t want them to feel that I am hopping into fruitless relationship all the time. Furthermore, it is only a month of togetherness so it’s still a pretty early stage for anything to be affirmed.
He brought me to his parents as well, we went for breakfast together and it was some sorts of surprise meet up so I am not mentally-prepared at all. Besides, I used to go for breakfast on most Sundays with Uncle Wong’s family and now I need to re-adapt to a new family culture. I am afraid I could not deal with that. The way that I carried myself around has been accepted by Uncle Wong’s family but it may be not to my current bf’s family. Sigh. On the brighter side, bf doesn’t come back KL every single day so things might be just alright. (Crossing fingers)
Like my usual self, I doubt a lot again. What if this relationship turns sour like those previous ones...what if one day I just stop loving this guy anymore, what if he has done something terribly bad to the relationship, what if we found each other not suitable and not meant to be together right in the end, what if this and what if that...Too many rubbish questions awaiting for stupid answers, huh? I guess the most that I could rationalize and think of is...I am happy, truly happy, being with him.
Thanks for being a wonderful you and I wish along the way, we will be as happy as before. From the start right till the end, be it we will end up being together or be it we will go on separate ways...I only wanted to cherish every second spent with you. I want you to be the every reason I put a smile to my face. :) Guess what, I enjoy reading your love letters written by your first ex. Hahaha. Funny but somehow those feelings she has trying to convey to you were once so true-felt and so beautifully written in chinese. Love the breaking up letter too...Hahaha. Not to forget your teenage pictures that you have shared and thank God I only get to know you now with your current look. Kekeke. However, the most crucial point is I wanted to thank you whole heartedly for giving me the "heartbeat" that I have longed for.

His "kan-chan" look that I like alots. Sorry bf, that I have uploaded this photo of yours without seeking for your permission first and since you already put this as your profile pic in Facebook, I expect you to have actually quite like this photo, hor? LOL