This blog is not dead. Just that it has been abandoned since ages ago. Massive of random stuff has happened and too bad, sometimes things just can’t be captured wholly in words. I decided then to bury some in mind rather than blogging them out.
I have left my career which I thought I most likely will succeed in, Advertising and design. I’m tiring with the orders and alterations over and over again. Politics and the people. I had enough of all these and it is time for a change. An immense one. I have moved on to Customer Service and Retail Consultancy in Maxis Ipoh. My financial issue is secured after I shifted back to Ipoh. I got to save more and I got to spend more within my means as well. Hehehe. At first, I actually have the fear for myself in switching jobs again as it like a habit ever since the first job I plunged into right after graduation. However, it is going to be 6 months already and I’m relief I’m still employed and would really want myself to enhance my career with promising advancements in Maxis or at least I could polish well of my resume with the years of experience. Many have said I have grown up. I realized this too. Happy-nyer.
Something Extra:
I felt extremely lonely tonight. I just don’t know why. Maybe because “you” are no where to be contacted? Very often you would leave me with heaps of question marks after the phone calls. It makes me longing to know about you even more. Gosh, this sort of feeling is eating me up. Perhaps you shouldn’t have walk up to me and said “Hi” twice even though I turned you down both times.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
When was the last time I talked about fashion? Checks calendar… cringes
internally. Yep, probably around ten years ago. Or...
1 week ago